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You Can Now Pay To Be Literally Deserted On A Private Island

You Can Now Pay To Be Literally Deserted On A Private Island

I don’t know about you but when I watch Cast Away, I don’t immediately think, ‘Wow, Tom Hanks sure looks like he’s having a good time’. For some, though, a deserted island experience can be a way to escape the daily grind and brush up on survival skills that are more or less completely irrelevant in modern life, but still handy, I guess. Enter Docastaway, which offers exactly that – minus the volleyball.

CAST AWAY, US 2000 TOM HANKS CASTAWAY US 2000 TOM HANKS Date 2000, Photo by: Mary Evans/C20TH FOX / DREAMWORKS/Ronald Grant/Everett Collection(10305969)
Dream vacay!

As their website puts it, “Docastaway offers you a unique experience unknown until now; the chance to feel like a castaway.” Docastaway is actually the first travel company in the world to specialise in holidays on remote and deserted islands, and they’ve dedicated several years to finding some of the most uninhabited and isolated topical spots across the globe.


The majority of these beach holidays actually take place in private villas, secluded retreats, eco-resorts and luxury mini-hotels, but if you’d really like to get into the thick of it, there’s always the ‘Adventure Mode’ for those who want to work on their MacGyver-like skills. More adventurous clients will have to be in quasi-survival  mode; think spear fishing and knocking coconuts down from trees.


There’s ten different adventure islands on offer with Docastaway, each ranked on a scale of isolation (ranging from medium to literally all-caps “EXTREME”). The most intense of these is a place called Devil’s Island (enticing!) and it’s billed as a place for those looking for an “extreme survival experience” where you will be “completely alone”. Highlights include: no hut or shelter, a location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean – dozens of miles away from civilisation – and the stark fact that “this island doesn’t have a beach”. Bummer.

A night’s stay on Devil’s Island will set you back 380 euros a day, per person (which is about $573AUD). Prices vary from island to island, with the cheapest starting at 80 euros ($120AUD). Sure, it seems a little odd to pay to be marooned on an island by yourself, but you know… you do you.

Find out more about Docastaway here.

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