You Can Now Zipline Through The City Centre Of Dubai
Fancy yourself a bit of a daredevil? You’re in luck – XDubai, who coordinate extreme action sports all around the UAE’s largest city, have rigged up an exclusive zipline that runs all the way through Dubai.
XLineCongratulations to our second week #XLine winners! Round 3 starts now with a special bonus round of 50 winners! Follow us and tag 3 friends to join you! تهانينا للفائزين في الاسبوع الثاني في تجربة اكس لاين . هناك 50 فائز في انتظار جولتنا الثالثة. قم بمتابعة حسابنا @xdubai وأخبر 3 من أصدقائك عن طريق التاق لتكون من ضمنهم. Bahaa Mohammad Al HamadKhalid Mohammad Al Hamad Abdul Gaffar Moha. Al MokdadSana Khalid Al Hamad Mary Joyce Clarina Hillester John Clarina Marian Buan Francis Alejandra Adriano Abdulla Aref Hasan Elhoussine Talab Khalifa Ishaq Ibrahim Qabeel Mohamed Ali Al Nazar Sara Adel Almaazmi Amna Walid Albanna Shahad Ayoub Alhashimi Nawal Omar Alhamed Nadir Rajab Chloe Patricia Williams Eisa Rajab Ali Nawaf Nasr Ahmed Daniele Bueno Lucas Portela Alexandra Sargeeva Kaue Moncau Samantha Carey Thomas Gorian Kimberley Pilkington Loren Cranney George Hany Zikry Merna Talaat Labib Ehab Nagy Karas Fady Mamdouh Helmy #XDubai #DefyYourLimits #MyDubai #XLine #Fun #BeyondAView #Zipline #DowntownDubai
Posted by XDubai on Thursday, 29 October 2015
Starting right next to the world’s tallest skyscraper and landing on top of the world-famous Mall Of Dubai, the XLine’s 40-second cable ride runs almost 550 metres through the city centre, so prepare yourself for a splashing as you hurtle through the Dubai Fountains. Proving once again that it’s way more than just a stopover on the way to Europe, the adrenaline-pumping ride joins sandboarding, a huge fake mountain for skiing and 4×4 desert driving as one of the Middle East’s most exciting extreme adventures.
But you’ve gotta be speedy – the invitation-only XLine is only hanging around until the end of the year. Though the Crown Prince of Dubai was the lucky first rider, you don’t have to be royalty to zipline across one of the world’s most modern and lavish cities. You can snag an invite by begging very nicely on the XDubai website or social media – what are you waiting for?!