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You Can Now Order Espresso Bagels In The US

You Can Now Order Espresso Bagels In The US

Another day, another Frankenfood item created in the US. We’ve recently told you about grilled cheese doughnuts and taco pizza, and now we’ve come to caffeinated bagels.

Bagels and coffee, unlike cheese and doughnuts, are a classic food pairing. So, we can kind of see where the Einstein Bros are coming from with the introduction of their espresso buzz bagel.

The bagel contains 32 milligrams of caffeine, which is about one third of a cup of American-style brewed coffee. Not a huge amount, but if you pair it with a regular coffee as well, it’s sure to provide a much needed morning boost. You can even make it into a bacon and egg sandwich if you’re feeling particularly hungry and tired.

Of course, the upside for most Frankenfood stuff is that it’ll make hungover people very happy. And we suspect, with caffeine built right in, it will do the job even more so.

Go forth and eat weird things, guys. And then tell us what they’re like.

(Lead image: Einstein Bros/Instagram)

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