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Yes! Instagram Now Supports Portrait And Landscape Photos

Yes! Instagram Now Supports Portrait And Landscape Photos

For too long, travel photographers have been obliged to crop their landscape and portrait shots to fit Instagram’s 640 x 640 pixel format. Until now. Today, Instagram are proving they can think outside of the square, having released a new version that allows for landscape and portrait photos to be directly uploaded to a user’s feed.

Previously, if a person wanted to post an image in a portrait or landscape format they’d need to use apps like SquareReady which would shrink the photo into a square by padding its sides with white space. This would mean a loss of detail for the original photo. This new development means that your friends can see your photos in all of their glory with their original aspect ratio maintained.

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(Photo: Instagram Blog)

Instagram’s version 7.5 update allows users to tap a format icon when they select their photo to retain or change its shape. From there, it’s the usual editing, tagging and captioning process before the photo is shared in its original or desired format. All portrait and landscape photos will show up as a centre-cropped square in grid view, leaving everything looking neat.

The update also allows for uniform filters across both videos and images and directly links to a new free app called Layout from Instagram that lets you layer, remix and flip your photos to help tell your story.

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(Photos: Instagram Blog)

Download the new Instagram here and get creative. 

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