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Woolies Just Released A Garlic Bread Roast Chook So Your Tastebuds Get An Upgrade

Woolies Just Released A Garlic Bread Roast Chook So Your Tastebuds Get An Upgrade

It seems that you’ll no longer have to face the tedious task of cutting up a classic Woolworths roast chicken and also sticking a garlic bread loaf in the oven. Nope, now you can buy yourself the new Garlic Bread-seasoned variety.

Let me start this story by saying that I’ve been vegetarian for over 20 years now, but I recognise how exciting this combination must be to the rest of you so here I am writing it anyway. You’re welcome. I’ll even fein some enthusiasm, but you’ve been warned in case you’re wondering why I’m not hype enough.

If you were wondering if it’s just a roast chook with some garlic chucked on top (I absolutely was too, don’t worry) you’d be wrong. They’re actually filling the thing with garlic bread stuffing.

The news dropped in the latest Woolies catalogue, and even tooted a $1 introductory discount offer, so that’s your weekend dins all sorted, probably.

“Our team of food innovator chefs have worked tirelessly over the last few months to combine some meal favourites to create new flavours for the dinner table, including pairing our popular chicken roast with garlic bread seasoning,” Woolworths director of Fresh Food, Paul Harker said.

Just FYI it looks like you can buy it pre-stuffed but just cook the whole thing yourself too. Although why the hell would you cook when you can not cook? Just one terrible chef’s opinion.

If you’re feeling like going all out, I strong suggest either treating yourself to a new KitKat McFlurry for dessert (continuing on with a ‘screw cooking’ theme), or make yourself Ben & Jerry’s Edible Cookie Dough now the recipe is out, or this epic Caramilk Banana Cake. Then cut it using this new method TikTok came up with – because this is what 2020 has become now.

(Lead Image: Woolworths)

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