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Here’s How You Can Stay Inside An Actual Giant Wave

Here’s How You Can Stay Inside An Actual Giant Wave

Denmark's The Wave is a helluva place to stay

Homer Simpson’s long-held dream to escape his troubles and live under the sea might still just be that – a dream – but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other aquatic retreats open to you.

Yep that’s right, if you’ve always dreamed of setting up your residence beneath the seven seas, then the happiest country in the world, Denmark has the perfect home for you: a massive apartment complex simply known as Bølgen (The Wave).


The Wave is the brain-child of Henning Larsen Architects, one of Denmark’s leading architectural firms.

The company have mastered left-of-field designs that combine the simplicity of the Bauhaus movement with attention-grabbing themes and styles, winning acclaim for their bespoke courthouse in Copenhagen; their complete makeover of a small suburb in Sweden; and their mound-shaped Town Hall in the Faroe islands.

And yet time might well reveal The Wave to be their magnum opus.


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The striking building has been under construction for a whopping 13 years — work on the project began back in 2006, before being halted by the global financial crisis and eventually restarted years later in 2015.

You’d expect the design might date a little over the decade’s worth of  construction, but if anything, the building looks like something torn straight from the pages of a sci-fi novel; like the headquarters of a Philip K Dick villain.


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One thing the photos definitely don’t do justice to is the massive size of The Wave: the complex’s five jutting spires take up three and a half acres of prime Danish real estate. Not, mind you, that the building is space-wasting.

Quite the opposite, in fact: the complex fits one hundred spacious, luxury apartments.


Better still, the pier jutting out in front of The Wave is accessible to the public. Punters are free to visit the futuristic deck, and gaze across the serene Danish waters.

Sounds like it might be time to pack your bags and move to Denmark, hey?

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