It Might Soon Be Heaps Easier For Aussies To Move To The UK Indefinitely

We all know what a shambles Brexit is, but it turns out that there might be some perks for Australians. As the deadline for the United Kingdom‘s withdrawal from the European Union draws closer, UK officials are frantically looking to strengthen ties with their allies elsewhere, and the Commonwealth is their next best thing.
[related_articles]58285,69405,63428[/related_articles]The international trade secretary for the UK, Liz Truss, was in Australia this week. At a press conference, she said that a trade deal between Australia and the UK was a top priority once the country has withdrawn from the EU and talked of a timeframe of months rather than years. Britain is really desperate for some new best mates.

On the table as part of the trade agreement is a freedom of movement deal, which would allow for visa-free travel between the countries. That would make living and working in the UK much easier for Australians, and vice-versa for Brits seeking some sunshine. Truss was questioned at the press conference about freedom of movement between Oz and the UK, and said that this type of arrangement would definitely form part of ongoing trade talks.
Australia currently has a freedom of movement arrangement with New Zealand – meaning citizens of either country can visit, live and work in the other for indefinite periods of time.
Young Australians currently wanting to live in the UK can move on a Youth Mobility Visa, which allows for a two-year stay for those between the ages of 18 and 30. A similar arrangement with Canada allows for up to two years for those aged 18 to 35 years.
[related_articles]69699,68913,76163[/related_articles]A change to passport conditions in 2018 saw Australians’ entry into the UK fast-tracked, with Aussie passports now eligible for use at e-passport gates at major airports.
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(Lead image: Jurica Koletić / Unsplash)