This Siberian House Is Totally Normal, Except It’s Upside Down

Sophia Softky is an armchair philosopher and wayward American trying…
From the outside, the amazing capsized “Upside-Down House” located in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, looks as though it is balanced precariously on the the ridge of its roof. A car clings to the driveway two stories up, as do a collection of gardening tools, and even a blossoming cherry tree.
Inside, visitors can tour the house by walking on its ceilings through a flipped-over version of an otherwise normal home.
In the living room, a couch, rug, fireplace and Christmas tree hang overhead, the picture completed by a pair of shoes and a coat hanging next to the door.
In the bathroom, guests can look up into the bowl of the toilet, and in the kitchen, the dining table looks freshly set with gravity-defying plates of spaghetti.
In the wood-panelled attic, there are children’s toys scattered all over the floor (ceiling?). The walkthrough might leave you dizzy and disoriented, but at least you’ll leave with photographic proof of your new super powers.
Sophia Softky is an armchair philosopher and wayward American trying to make her way in Melbourne. Sometimes she writes things, and sometimes they get published. She is a millenial and therefore lives inside of the Internet.