These Breathtaking Caves Are Made Of Super-Sized Icicles

Sophia Softky is an armchair philosopher and wayward American trying…
During the summer the rock formations in Hiawatha National Forest, Michigan, don’t look like anything special, but come winter they are transformed into the incredible Eben Ice Caves.
The ice caves are hidden behind “curtains” of gigantic icicles more than 18 metres high, which are formed from snowmelt that drips down the rocky cliff-face and re-freezes. They result is a series of magical passageways and caverns that are just perfect for exploring.
The best time to visit the caves is in mid-December, and don’t forget to pack your ice cleats. They are crucial both for the hike to the caves and for walking around the site itself. Visitors without them can look forward to a day of embarrassing slips and slides.
(Images: Anapko/Flickr)
Sophia Softky is an armchair philosopher and wayward American trying to make her way in Melbourne. Sometimes she writes things, and sometimes they get published. She is a millenial and therefore lives inside of the Internet.