The Greatest Walk In New York City You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Josephine is a staff writer at Junkee Media. You can…
The Great Saunter is New York City’s magnificent walk around the circumference of Manhattan island. Over 12 hours and 50 kilometres in one day, the walk is best for those who know that the long way ’round is the best way ’round.
Returning again for 2017, the gigantic walk will take you along the iconic waterfront, through some of New York’s most marvellous parks and all five boroughs of New York City. It kicks off at 7.30am at Fraunces Tavern in Lower Manhattan and ends up at the same place for the after party at 7.00pm. Twelve straight hours of walking. That’s a lot of walking.
But at 50km long, this event is longer than the New York marathon. Definitely one to be proud of once you’re done.
Participants can go at their own pace but there are two points along the way scheduled for rest. Around 1,600 people take part in the walk every year, from around the New York metropolitan area, across the US and the world. It’s actually kind of a big deal.
The Great Saunter is run by Shorewalkers, a non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting New York’s parks. If you want to take part in the walk, you have to become a member to buy a ticket. Doing both will cost you around $33AUD, which isn’t bad.
Shorewalkers’ tagline for the event is “Seeing the world at 3 miles per hour,” which is just delightful. On your marks!
(All images: The Great Saunter/Facebook)
[qantas_widget code=JFK]Check out Qantas flights to New York City.[/qantas_widget]Josephine is a staff writer at Junkee Media. You can find her words on AWOL, The Cusp, food she bagsed in the fridge.