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PSA: Puppy Pilates Exists And It’s So Cute We Could Die

PSA: Puppy Pilates Exists And It’s So Cute We Could Die

puppy Pilates

The inclusion of cute animal friends in exercise routines is a trend that we are very, very on board with. But move over alpaca dance classes and goat yoga, because puppy Pilates exists and we may have just died from a cuteness overload.

Cisco Pilates is a cosy studio located just north of Downtown Asheville, North Carolina, offering daily Pilates classes. Last June, studio owner Alexis Miller attended an event at the Asheville Humane Society and fell in love.

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“I held a puppy and thought, ‘I need more puppies in my life’,” Miller told AWOL. (Same, girl.)

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Later, she called the adoption centre and said she’d like to put on a fundraiser class for them and, as expected, locals freaked out. “People are losing their minds over Pilates with Puppies,” says Miller. “I keep adding more classes and am getting a huge response rate.”

Apart from being an extremely cute way to work out, Miller says it’s got some even greater benefits. “Puppy therapy is for real,” she says. “But I think the best thing about it is that it gets lots of new faces inside the Asheville Humane Society, where many older animals are up for adoption and need homes.”

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If you’re in town and would like to give it a go (who wouldn’t?), stay tuned to Cisco Pilates on Facebook to receive updates on when the next classes will be held. All proceeds from tickets sales are donated to the Asheville Humane Society.

Plus, all the puppies are up for adoption!

How To Get There

  • Fly into Greenville–Spartanburg International Airport
  • Drive 100km
  • Cisco Pilates — Forsythe St & Hillside St, Asheville, NC

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(Lead image: Cisco Pilates)

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