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Feeling The Heat In NYC? It’s Legal To Cool Down In Its Fountains

Feeling The Heat In NYC? It’s Legal To Cool Down In Its Fountains


You guys, chasing an endless summer is great in theory, but when that sun’s beating down hard and you’re not sure when you’ll reach the next air-conditioned room the struggle can be all too real. Unless of course you’re in NYC, in which case you can just leg it to cool down in the closest water fountain.

Did somebody say a re-enactment of the Friends opening sequence? *clap clap clap clap*


Cities like Rome have passed laws, which ban people from jumping into its fountains for a little R&R, but New York City is doing the lord’s work by allowing locals and visitors alike to cool off in the waters.

There are 50 fountains across the city, all of which are regularly cleaned of debris by maintenance teams that service the parks. It’s important to note however, that the fountains are in no way treated in the way a swimming pool is, so wade at your own risk.

Oh, and – obviously – it’s prohibited to use the fountains for personal hygiene reasons. So please don’t wash your clothes, pets or yourself in the fountains.

Do with this information what you will, and stay cool – in every sense of the word.

Check out Qantas flights and begin your next adventure.

(Lead image: Jon Dawson / Flickr) 

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