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Need To Get Away From It All? Try This Cliffside Cabin

Need To Get Away From It All? Try This Cliffside Cabin

Hardcore hikers of the world, it’s time to head to Slovenia to venture up to this mountain-top cabin that, quite literally, reaches new heights.

Located on Mount Kanin, this architectural marvel – built by design firm OFIS – has just been constructed with seasoned climbers in mind. Made of a sturdy mix of aluminium, cross-laminated timber, and glass for those stellar mountain views, this awesome cabin presents whole new frontiers in climbing and hiking.


Boasting 360 degree views over parts of Slovenia and Italy, and spectacular views to Triglav, Soca Valley and the Adriatic Sea, it took helicopters three attempts to even get the building materials to the top of Mount Kanin, which sits 2587 metres above sea level. It was such a big job that architects enlisted the Slovenian army  to helicopter the materials up to the cliff face.


Its interiors employ a minimalist aesthetic, with the only form of decoration being a singular pair of antlers mounted on the wall. With views like the ones on offer, who needs more?


The narrow building is 9.7 square metres and accommodates nine people who make the trek up the mountain.


Mount Kanin is notorious for its rough conditions; wind, snow, landslides, and rough terrain are all in a day’s climb. If you’re not up to the hike, it’s also reachable via helicopter, but where’s the fun in that?

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