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These Are The Most Searched Conspiracies Around The World In 2020, And Baby It’s Wild

These Are The Most Searched Conspiracies Around The World In 2020, And Baby It’s Wild

We all love a good conspiracy theory. Not the dumb ones, like “Covid doesn’t exist” and “the vote is rigged”, but the fun and zany ones like “Bigfoot exists” and “Beyoncé is in the Illuminati”. Honestly, why would Queen B be a follower of some bored rich white men when she could frankly start her own cult (that I would gladly join). It makes no sense, but I digress.

Tell ’em Bey.

Knowing this ‘everyone loves conspiracies’ notion, Fresh Student Living collated Google data from the past year to find the most searched conspiracies, legends and myths around the world, and the results reveal a LOT.

For example, we Aussies (and our mates over in New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland and Portugal) simply cannot stop looking up ‘Lizard People’. Although I have to admit I’m one of them. In my defence, the search was prompted by that one time two extremely drunk middle-aged men stopped me on my walk home to tell me that Queen Elizabeth is, in fact, a Lizard Person.

If you are one of the sensible people in the world who have NOT googled Lizard People, the just know that this theory alleges that a bunch of shape-shifting lizards take human form in an effort to take over the world. So I guess becoming a Queen would be ideal. It seems ridiculous, and yet you wouldn’t have such a hard time convincing me Trump is a Lizard Person.

Meanwhile, the U.S.A. froths a bit of Bigfoot, the U.K. is all about a fake moon landing and France simply refuses to believe that Beyoncé isn’t in the Illuminati. You can judge everyone on the full list below:

  • Australia: Lizard people, 1,900 average Google searches per month
  • U.S.A.: Bigfoot real, 21,100 average Google searches per month
  • U.K.: Moon landing fake, 4,400 average Google searches per month
  • Germany: Roswell UFO, 880 average Google searches per month
  • France: Beyonce Illuminati, 260 average Google searches per month
  • Spain: The Yeti, 320 average Google searches per month
  • Canada: Lizard people, 1,900 average Google searches per month
  • Greece: Is Elvis alive, 70 average Google searches per month
  • Hong Kong: Lady Gaga Illuminati, 50 average Google searches per month
  • India: Moon landing fake, 2,400 average Google searches per month
  • Switzerland: Lizard People, 140 average Google searches per month
  • Taiwan: Paul (McCartney) is dead, 170 average Google searches per month
  • Slovakia: Lady Gaga Illuminati, 50 average Google searches per month
  • Romania: Moon landing fake, 110 average Google searches per month
  • Philippines: Moon landing fake, 480 average Google searches per month
  • Thailand: Lady Gaga Illuminati, 50 average Google searches per month
  • South Africa: Beyonce Illuminati, 480 average Google searches per month
  • Singapore: Moon landing fake, 210 average Google searches per month
  • Russia: Is Elvis alive, 70 average Google searches per month
  • Portugal: Lizard people, 110 average Google searches per month
  • Norway: Moon landing fake, 390 average Google searches per month
  • New Zealand: Lizard people, 320 average Google searches per month
  • Malaysia: Moon landing fake, 260 average Google searches per month
  • Japan: Bermuda triangle, 50 average Google searches per month
  • Italy: Roswell UFO, 480 average Google searches per month
  • Ireland: Moon landing fake, 390 average Google searches per month

Around the world as a whole, alien conspiracies still rank the highest on Google, with mysteries like crop circles, Area 51 and UFOs being the favourites.

Meanwhile, almost every country has searched for the Scottish legend of the Loch Ness Monster this year, and many countries are obsessed with celebrity rumours and conspiracies: thinking some dead celebs are still alive, some thinking alive celebs are dead, and others thinking that certain celebs must be Illuminati.

It’s a wild out there, guys.

(Lead Image: Provided / Fresh Student Living)

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