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You Need To Get This Adelaide Beach Club On Your Summer Bucket List

You Need To Get This Adelaide Beach Club On Your Summer Bucket List

moseley beach club

Australia does a lot of things well: lush camping spots, Instagrammable landmarksbig things. But when it comes to beach clubs, Europe and parts of Asia have got us beat. Why, when we have some of the world’s best beaches in our backyard, don’t we have any bloody beach clubs?!

An extension of the much-loved Moseley Bar and Kitchen, the Moseley Beach Club is here to change all that when it opens on the Glenelg Beach foreshore in Adelaide later this month.

Operating seven days a week, it’ll service eight premium sun beds and 48 sun lounges, and will also feature a bar, dining area, and space for live music, DJs and 350 sandy-footed party animals.

Sun beds and lounges need to be booked ahead of time (can you imagine the kerfuffle if it was a first in, best dressed-type situation?), with more information on how to snag your spot to be released soon.

See you on the beach, Adelaide.

(Lead image: Erik.)

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