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Manly’s Famous Q Station Is Now Offering Boozy High Teas With A Side Of Harbour Views

Manly’s Famous Q Station Is Now Offering Boozy High Teas With A Side Of Harbour Views

When people talk about Manly‘s famous Q Station (at least in my world but maybe I just need new friends), it’s normally in relation to ghost tours and being one of the most haunted spots in Australia. What no-one has ever told me, before now, is that they also have some truly delish places to eat there.

Enjoying the view.

The latest offering is G&Tea House (see what they did there), located inside a restored cottage that was the original nurses quarters. It’s right by the water with an extremely lovely view overlooking the harbour. I mean, the whole quarantine history here is awful — as we probably understand better in 2020 than we have for generations — but at least their view was top shelf.

The newly re-done decor in this cottage are adorable, with cute quotes printed on the walls, historic heritage pieces from the 1800s which are part of Q Station’s museum collection and fun paper art by Q Station’s artist in residence, Jo Neville.

This place takes you right back to the early days of Sydney (but you know, with all the beauty and none of the oppression), so it’s only right that the menu is all about traditional English-style morning teas and — my personal favourites — high tea. The fun twist here though, is that although tea and coffee are still very much on the menu, G&T House have paired with Manly Spirits to also offer some delish gin-based cocktails.


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Personally, I headed over for High Tea in the brightest, hottest, least ghostly part of the day. It’s only available on weekends and costs between $59 and $79 per person, depending whether you’d like just tea and coffee with it, or would like to add bubbles or cocktails too.

Each of your options will have your tastebuds thoroughly satisfied. Scones come out first, which I obviously drowned in the fresh cream. Then a tower of little cakes, savoury pastries like samosas and mini arancini balls, and egg finger sandwiches.

I tried the Hibiscus Gin Sour cocktail, and a lychee concoction they made up for me. You will need to be a little bit flexible with your drink choices, they seem to run out of ingredients fairly quickly, which is fair considering the size and location of the place. Whatever they do make you will be super tasty though.

It’s all served in vintage teacups, on vintage plates and in old fashioned glassware, just to really add to the ‘days of yore’ vibe. If you happen to time if with Saturday afternoon too, you’ll get the added bonus of live music on the lawn in front of G&Tea House, as part of Q Station’s very popular Sunset Sessions.


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Plus there are echidnas everywhere, apparently everyone was too fixated on the ghosts to tell me about the echidnas either.

(Lead Image: Provided / Q Station)

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