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Sydney’s New Ferry Will Be Named – You Guessed It – Ferry McFerryface

Sydney’s New Ferry Will Be Named – You Guessed It – Ferry McFerryface

Sydney Ferry

First, there was (almost) Boaty McBoatface. Then, Trainy McTrainface was officially appointed at a ceremony in Sweden. Now, one of Sydney’s iconic ferries will be officially named Ferry McFerryface.

Yep, officials at Transport NSW announced the iconic moniker would be bestowed upon the final ferry in its new fleet overnight. It follows a year-long public poll and, honestly, did we expect anything less?

Ferry McFerryface was actually the second most popular name nominated by the public (there were more than 15,000), with Boaty McBoatface (predictably) taking out the top spot.

“Given Boaty was already taken by another vessel, we’ve gone with the next most popular name nominated by Sydneysiders,” Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance told the ABC.

“Ferry McFerryface will be the harbour’s newest icon, and I hope it brings a smile to the faces of visitors and locals alike.”

Ferry McFerryface follows vessels named for Australian icons like heart surgeon Victor Chang, ophthalmologist Fred Hollows and obstetrician Catherine Hamlin.

While the fun police have taken to social media to air their grievances, we can’t wait to see Sydney’s newest ferry traversing Australia’s iconic harbour with the name it so deserves. Welcome to the team, Mr McFerryface.

(Lead image: NSW Public Transport – NSW GOV / Facebook)

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