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Don’t Worry, Sydney’s Getting A Huge Inland Surf Park Too

Don’t Worry, Sydney’s Getting A Huge Inland Surf Park Too

Earlier this month we wrote about Melbourne getting its very own urban surf park, just 23 minutes from the city. As it turns out, Sydneysiders can soon hang ten kilometres away from the beach as well.

Yep, Sydney will also soon be home to a Wavegarden-powered URBNsurf park, brought to you by the same people creating the Melbourne version, located right in Sydney Olympic Park. This swanky new technology creates long man-made waves in a closed off environment, and is perfect for both expert surfers and beginners.

And while it may sound a little odd to be installing yet another pool in a city that’s pretty much known for their plethora of swimming spots, the URBNsurf park all but guarantees good, two-metre-high waves every single time – great for those days when it’s looking a little flat out there.

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 1.10.42 PM
Lookin’ fresh!

The park is set to open in 2018.

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