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Reckon You Could Demolish Disneyland’s Churro Challenge?

Reckon You Could Demolish Disneyland’s Churro Challenge?

Disneyland is dubbed The Happiest Place On Earth for a bunch of reasons, and we reckon it taking the humble churro to new and delicious heights is right up there on that list.

It’s true, Disneyland has pretty much every kind of churro you could imagine, from carrot cake-flavoured to Star Wars-inspired. But do you think you get your mouth around every single one?


Get ready for the Churro Challenge, one of the events taking place at this year’s Pixar Fest.

Basically how it works is, at any churro stand you can pick up a map for $5, which will show you where every other stand is in Disneyland. It also tells you which stands stock the most popular flavours for quick reference.

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If you manage to make your way around the park and through every stand, not only will you win ultimate bragging rights and a full tum, but you’ll also be awarded a button that displays your triumph.

Pixar fest runs until the end of September, but the Churro Challenge will be wrapping up on Friday, June 8. Not long left, so go get your churro on!

How To Get There

  • Fly Qantas to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
  • Drive 54km via CA-91 E and Disneyland Drive
  • Disneyland, 1313 Disneyland Drive, Anaheim
[qantas_widget code=LAX]Check out Qantas flights to California.[/qantas_widget]


(Lead image: @thedisneyduoo/ Instagram)

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