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In Germany, Dachshunds Finally Get The Museum They Deserve

In Germany, Dachshunds Finally Get The Museum They Deserve

Dackelmuseum, dachshund

Museums all around the globe showcase the greatest collections of artistic, cultural, scientific or historical importance. But, just last week, perhaps the most important (or, at least, the cutest) museum to ever exist – a museum exhibiting all things sausage dog —  opened its doors.

You’ll find Dackelmuseum (or “Dachshund Museum”) in the Bavarian city of Passau, Germany, just two hours east of Munich. It’s packed to the brim with more than 4500 pieces of puppy paraphernalia, like toys, canine stamps, icons, artistic sausage dog prints, puppets, and more.

Dackelmuseum is the brainchild of Seppi Küblbeck and Oliver Storz, two former florists who, much like us, are completely dog-obsessed. Their collection is 25 years in the making, and it’s really something.

“The world needs a sausage dog museum,” Dackelmuseum Küblbeck told BBC News. “No other dog in the world enjoys the same kind of recognition or popularity as the symbol of Bavaria, the sausage dog.”

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And it’s not just Küblbeck and Storz who love sausage dogs — the German people have an affinity for the stocky doggo, a breed that first appeared in the Middle Ages. The breed was initially introduced to flush out foxes from their burrows to keep ducks and hens safe.

Dackelmuseum is open every day from 10am to 4pm.

How To Get There

  • Fly into Munich International Airport
  • 635 towards Freising to Freising
  • Take the RE RE 4064 towards Passau to Passau
  • Walk 1.3km
  • Dackelmuseum, Große Messergasse 1, 94032 Passau, Germany

(Lead image: Pixabay)

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