Check Out This Awesome Guide For Hiking Trails Around Australia
We always find that when we’re in the mood for a good hike, we don’t really know where to start. Australia is just so big, it’s kind of difficult to know which hike will be the best in terms of length, difficulty and epic lookouts (and obviously if you’re doing a 3+ hour hike, you’re going to want to brag about it on Instagram).
Luckily, a new hiking guide website has been launched for struggling walkers who need just a little head start.
Aussie site Left Foot Right Foot have endeavoured to deliver simple, easy to read and relevant guides for anyone keen on heading out into the wider world. The website offers online guides for regions around Australia and even some hidden gems overseas.
The team behind Left Foot Right Food explicitly state that they’re by no means professional hiking experts, but rather a bunch of amateur enthusiasts looking to deliver guides in a relaxed, independent and relatively cheap way. Their stories are pretty fun too, with many of them including personal anecdotes about the treks.
Some of the Australian hikes covered include Mt. Bogong in Victoria, The Overland Track in Tasmania, Mt. Toolbrunup Stirling Range National Park in WA and a track in Sydney’s Royal National Park.
Internationally the team have created walking guides for spots in Chile, Switzerland, Nepal, Scotland, Japan and New Zealand. Each guide has its own story with detailed information and beautifully shot pictures that will make your feet itch with anticipation.
There’s even a handy page of camping tips for fellow enthusiasts – these “Macgyvers” include a how-to on creating a beer can stove, a coat hanger toaster, a water bladder pillow and even camping gold like using a frisbee as a plate and using glow sticks for mood lighting. It’s pretty genius.
h/t Broadsheet
(All images: Left Foot Right Foot)