Check Out These Teeny Tiny Japanese Capsule Apartments
Sinead Stubbins is a writer from Melbourne who has done…
Compact housing is nothing new in Japan, a city with limited room and a whole lotta people. But these apartments are taking it to a whole other level.
The Nagakin Capsule Tower in Shimbashi, Tokyo, is representative of the “Metabolism” wave of architecture in post-war Japan, which resulted in a bunch of miniscule living quarters throughout the country. The idea was that these apartments would solve the dilemma of urban planning in 20th century Japan – businessmen would stay in the tiny apartments during the week for work.
Photos: Erin Williamson/Flickr
When the apartments were built in the affluent ’60s, the plan was that these capsule living spaces would be replaced and upgraded every 25 years, a plan that never came to fruition. The apartments – which measure at just over nine square metres – are still used, but their eccentric design makes maintenance very difficult.
And no, those portal windows don’t open, so you better hope the air conditioning doesn’t conk out.
(Lead image: Jordy Meow/Wikipedia)
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Sinead Stubbins is a writer from Melbourne who has done stuff online for Junkee and TheVine and done stuff in print for Yen, Frankie, Smith Journal and Elle. She tweets about Drake, Gilmore Girls and cheeseburgers at @sineadstubbins.