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Photographer Captures The Beauty Of Bangkok’s Neon Glow

Photographer Captures The Beauty Of Bangkok’s Neon Glow

Xavier Portela is a Belgo-Portuguese photographer based in Brussels, and has been a freelance photographer since 2012.

Following the success of his Tokyo’s Glow project last year, showcasing nighttime photographs of Tokyo and Hong Kong, Portela has extended the series, adding more cities — this time, Bangkok — to the collection.

Portela visited Bangkok just after the first exhibition of Glow in Brussels, so it was still fresh in his mind.

“Bangkok was already planned as an extension of the initial project, but I am thinking about adding more cities, and even go back to old ones to capture places I don’t have yet,” Portela told AWOL.

He says the shot below is his favourite from the collection.

“I have it printed on brushed aluminium and hung on my wall by Inkut Lab, so during the day when the light outside changes, the window in the pictures looks alive like if the store was open or close,” says Portela. “I really like that feeling I get when I look at that picture”.

To see Portela’s full Bangkok Glow series, visit his website.

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