Amsterdam Is Going To Ban All Petrol And Diesel Cars By 2030

Alana is the staff writer on AWOL who thinks the…
Amsterdam has announced plans to ban all cars and motorbikes running on petrol and diesel by 2030.
The move is an attempt to clean up the city’s air quality and ease pollution levels. “Pollution often is a silent killer and is one of the greatest health hazards in Amsterdam,” said Sharon Dijksma, the city’s traffic councillor.
[related_articles]42264,54372,40483[/related_articles]Bicycles are common in the Netherlands, but heavy car traffic in Amsterdam has led to air pollution levels in the country exceeding European rules. While that may not affect people’s health during short visits, it can present a danger to permanent residents.
The first phase of the plan will begin in 2020, when all diesel cars that are 15 years or older will be banned from the main motorway. By 2022, public buses that cause pollution will be banned from the city centre, and by 2025, the ban will be extended to canal boats, mopeds, and motorbikes.
[related_articles]77917,70417,72725[/related_articles]By 2030, no petrol or diesel vehicle will be allowed into the city and instead, locals will be encouraged to drive electric cars. The city will offer free charging stations, and make it easier for owners to get parking permits.
Sure enough, the plan has met with some big “OK Boomer” energy. The automotive industry lobby group The Rai Association has criticised the plan, claiming that many families won’t be able to afford an electric vehicle.
But the world is burning, and decisive action like this is the only way we’re going to be able to save things. Plus, electric cars are becoming cheaper all the time, and will be much more affordable in 2030.
Amsterdam isn’t the only city taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint, and it won’t be the last. But Dijksma is on a mission to make Amsterdam the “world capital of emissions free mobility.”
(Lead image: jennieramida / Unsplash)
Alana is the staff writer on AWOL who thinks the best way to travel is by taking spontaneous detours and stopping at every local bakery to try the cakes. She writes a lot about Australian TV, Big Things, cursed food, and theme parks. You can follow her on Instagram @alana.dotcom. It’s mostly dogs she meets along the way.