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Airbnb Is Throwing A Sleepover At Abbey Road Studios Hosted By Mark Ronson

Airbnb Is Throwing A Sleepover At Abbey Road Studios Hosted By Mark Ronson

There are thousands of listed holiday rentals in central London, but most of them aren’t historically relevant to music lovers everywhere. Pack your jammies and head to Abbey Road, Mark Ronson is hosting a sleepover!

Abbey Road Studios in London, England has earned a legendary status over the years. Countless hits have been recorded within those walls and this October, Airbnb are proposing that you could be the next Lennon or McCartney. Okay – not really, but they’re willing to let you give it a shot.

Bed above Mark Ronson 0816_w4a

The two storey Studio 3 will serve as your bedroom, and you’ll be hosted the best looking DJ of all time, Mark Ronson. As you make Abbey Road Studios your home for the night, Mark will tell you stories – like when he wrote that little tune ‘Uptown Funk’ – and even have a jam or record with you if you’re keen. He probably won’t sing you a lullaby, but no harm in asking.

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In case you’re not familiar.

The winner will literally be able to play John Lennon’s piano, which is apparently still marked with cigarette burns dating back to the recordings of The White Album.

You can enter via the listing page here.

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