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A Texas Man Has Made A House That Looks Like A Shoe, And You Can Live In it

A Texas Man Has Made A House That Looks Like A Shoe, And You Can Live In it

A Texas builder specialising in recycled or reused materials has made an entire house that looks like a cowboy boot. Because when in Texas, I guess.

The best part? You’ve got the opportunity to live in it. The 10-metre tall, 2 bedroom, 1 bath cowboy boot lives in the town of Huntsville, Texas and has been recently listed to rent for $1584AUD per month.

The builder, Dan Philips, admits that the idea for his unique house came to fruition because of his interest in “storybook architecture”. No doubt a reference to the age old poem about the old woman who lived in a shoe. However, he was determined to put his own spin on things, telling Lonely Planet: “After all, this is Texas. Why not a cowboy boot?”

cowboy boot2

Philips is the owner of Phoenix Commotion, a construction company specialising in reusing and recycling building materials. As such, 65 per cent of the cowboy boot home has been made out of recycled materials. The cabinet handles are belt buckles, the walls are made out of old gymnasium floorboards and a french door has been turned on its side to act as a window.

And there’s more! The spiral staircase leading to the very top where you can look over the town.


All of the homes made by Phoenix Commotion are mostly constructed out of material that has been discarded elsewhere, in an effort to reduce landfill and housing costs. Philips says that waste in the construction industry is very high so reusing perfectly good materials is a no brainer. “It seems a bit piggy and irresponsible to be discarding perfectly usable materials when we have little families that would do anything to own their own homes.”

Next on Philips’ project list is a house that looks like a cowboy hat. Fitting.


You can check out the full listing if you were keen to make Texas your new stomping ground (sorry).

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