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The Only Valentine’s Gift I’ll Accept This Year Is The New Lego Flower Bouquet

The Only Valentine’s Gift I’ll Accept This Year Is The New Lego Flower Bouquet

I’m sorry lovebirds, but Valentine’s Day is dumb — and yes I’ve held this opinion for my entire adult life, whether I’m in a relationship or not. It’s forced, it’s phoney, I hate it.

What ISN’T dumb though, is giving someone flowers on literally any other day of the year. What else is absolutely never dumb, is Lego. So imagine if you could give someone a Lego bouquet of flowers? Jackpot.

The thing is, now you absolutely can.

Lego have released a decorative Botanical Collection, including a genuinely very pretty Flower Bouquet (just think, you’ll never have to clean up the dying petals, and an adorable little Bonsai Tree to bring you a little zen.

If, like me, you’ve struggled to make plant parenting work for you, then BOOM, here’s a solution.

The Flower Bouquet has 756 bright and colourful pieces that you can create your blooms from, which will apparently stand about 36cm high. There are instructions, of course, but the set is designed so you can go all ‘Master Builder’ and make it your own. These Lego pieces feature all new shapes and colours that haven’t been seen before.

Then there’s the Bonsai Tree, which — with 878 pieces — may still take just as much effort to create as I’ve been told growing a real one is. But, like, guys, you can change it from green leaves to flowering cherry blossoms, which is obviously adorable.

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“As adults look for new ways to switch off and relax, we’re delighted to be able to help them seek solace from their busy everyday lives as they immerse themselves in creating these beautiful botanical builds,” said Lego Group Design Lead, Jamie Berard, in a statement.

“The customisable elements and mindful building experience will hopefully help them express their personality as their creativity blossoms”.

Both sets are available now (so yes, you can still give them as V-Day gifts if you must) from the Lego website or all major retailers. Both will set you back $89.99.

(All Images: Provided / Lego)

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