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There’s A Dinosaur Theme Park In Utah

There’s A Dinosaur Theme Park In Utah

Dinosaur fans unite, because a huge dinosaur-themed park has just opened in Utah, with over 100 life-size dinosaur replicas set against an epic desertscape.

The Moab Giants Dinosaur Park is set across 60 acres in the famous Moab desert. The park features a 3D theatre to ensure those visiting the attraction have an understanding of what the land they’re standing on looked like some 220-million-years-ago, and spoiler alert: it’s really, really cool.


From there, you can venture down and take a stroll through the original habitat of these ancient creatures. The ‘Dinosaur Trail’, which is over 3 kilometres long, has over 130 native and life-size dinosaurs on display. You can observe them doing all the things dinosaurs do, like eating, sleeping and, y’know, roaring.


Moab, where the park is located,  is actually part of the Dinosaur Diamond Scenic Byway, and some of the recreations feature actual dinosaur fossils. Once you’re done with the trail (you’ll never really be done with the trail), you can also check out the 5D PaleoAquarium for all of your underwater needs, where you can spy deep-sea monsters and swimming dinosaurs.

Waiting for a mate.

There’s also a Tracks Museum, where you can view dinosaur prints from centuries past, and two dig out sites where you can try to uncover your own fossils.

Synchronised moves.

It’s imperative that you check out the website right now to see what this magical, historical land has to offer. Dinosaur Park is open now; no word yet as to whether or not a life-sized Jeff Goldblum will be joining the attraction.

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