You Can Eat At The Base Of A Waterfall In The Philippines

Sinead Stubbins is a writer from Melbourne who has done…
Ever been eating a delightful meal with your loved one and thought, “Gee, this would be so much better if my feet were submerged in fresh water with the sounds of rushing water filling my ears”? Well, visit the Philippines and your dream may just come true.
The Villa Escudero Plantations and Resort takes the whole “tropical paradise” thing to a whole other level. You will be served fresh, local Filipino cuisine while sitting at the foot of a waterfall, warm spring water rushing around your feet.
The splash back on your food is unconfirmed, but really, when you’re eating a meal in a place this beautiful you can handle a few droplets on your banana leaf-roasted fish. And if you’re sharing dinner with someone boring, at least you’ll have the waterfall to look at.
(h/t Roadtrippers)
(Lead image: Daniel Nicholson/Flickr)
Sinead Stubbins is a writer from Melbourne who has done stuff online for Junkee and TheVine and done stuff in print for Yen, Frankie, Smith Journal and Elle. She tweets about Drake, Gilmore Girls and cheeseburgers at @sineadstubbins.