Unleash Your Inner Nerd At The World’s Geekiest Bar

If haven’t noticed yet, being a nerd is cool now.
If you’ve ever waited in line for Star Wars tickets, skipped school because you were too busy reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or even just loved a show so much you’ve ventured out and bought the merchandise, then Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema in North Carolina is for you.
Part bar, part cinema, part coffeehouse, Geeksboro is the place to be to indulge in any or all of your interests. Doctor Who fan? Trivia fan? Board game fan? It’s all here, and then some.
Their back-door cinema is where the magic happens. Independent films, documentaries, old-school episodes of your favourite TV shows? It’s just like having all your mates over for a screening, but instead you get kick back in the comfort of a real-life cinema. The coffee is plentiful, the beers are flowing and The X-Files revival talk is all around. It’s like pop culture heaven.
As well as screening, Geeksboro goes all out on geekdom and host video game tournaments, board game nights, drink and draw sessions and Saturday morning you’re invited to watch all your favourite cartoons up on the big screen. It’s magical.
They even hosted a Harry Potter themed Yule Ball last year and I don’t know about you, but that sounds like the coolest. Thing. Ever.
The vibe is friendly, there’s food and drinks on the go and you’re even encouraged to dress up in Cosplay whenever you want – it’s everything you would ever want out of a bar.
(All photos: Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema/Facebook)