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Research Suggests That Moving Abroad Will Make You A Better Human

Research Suggests That Moving Abroad Will Make You A Better Human

moving abroad

People choose to pack up and move abroad for a bunch of different reasons. Perhaps they’ve snagged a dream job, fell in love on holidays and never want to return or are just after a change of scenery. Whatever the case may be, moving abroad is one sure-fire way to secure a fresh start.

And studies say it might even make you a better person.


Aetna International, an international healthcare provider, surveyed expats from around the world to identify the perks and challenges of living in another country. Among the questions, respondents were asked about how they view themselves since moving abroad.

moving abroad
Image: Kinga Cichewicz / Unsplash

The survey revealed that: 31 percent of expats think they are a better person since moving abroad; 33 percent of expats living in the UK think they are a better person; 45 percent of expats living in the US see themselves as a better person and 46 percent of expats living in Thailand think they are a better person.

So if you were ever doubting your worth as a human being, just move overseas! What could go wrong?

Once you’ve found your next home, check out Qantas flights to get yourself there safe and soundly.

(Lead image: Eye For Ebony / Unsplash)

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