Montreal Has An Ugly Christmas Tree And It Doesn’t Care Who Knows It

Kristen Amiet is a previous AWOL editor, bona fide travel…
Every year, cities across the globe compete for the most lavish festive season decorations. But, last year, things went a little skew-whiff for the Canadian city of Montreal, and it’s spawned a hilarious new Christmas tradition.
You see, the city had planned to erect the Northern Hemisphere’s biggest Christmas tree in 2016. But, when it arrived, the tree in question was rather underwhelming.
Instantly recognisable for its “skinny” and “lopsided” appearance, the tree was instead ranked the ugliest in Canada and gained the special type of internet fame reserved for failures such as this.
Looks like the city of Montréal sub-contracted it Christmas tree to Charlie Brown.
— Francois Nantel (@FNantel) December 4, 2016
But, rather than relegate it to the pages of history, the group responsible for the 2016 tree has returned this year with another ugly tree, which was unveiled on Friday as part of a new installation called Village du Vilain Sapin – an entire village dedicated to holiday imperfections.
“It could become a Montreal tradition – instead of having a magnificent, perfect tree every year, you have one that’s authentic, crooked, a little bizarre, with personality that could be super original and a mark of distinction for Montreal,” Philippe Pelletier told the Montreal Gazette.
Locals and visitors to the city are already sharing snaps of the new and definitely not improved Christmas tree on social media as an homage to ugly Christmas trees everywhere and, we’ve gotta say, it’s sure to bring some Christmas cheer.
(All images: Village due Vilain Sapin de Montreal / Facebook)
[qantas_widget code=YUL]Check out Qantas flights to Montreal.[/qantas_widget]Kristen Amiet is a previous AWOL editor, bona fide travel addict, sometimes whisky drinker and full-time breakfast food enthusiast.