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Melbourne Just Turned A Legit Historic Prison Into A 15-Screen Movie Theatre

Melbourne Just Turned A Legit Historic Prison Into A 15-Screen Movie Theatre

I don’t know if you’ve ever been sitting in a movie theatre, popcorn in one hand and stupidly large drink in the other, and thought to yourself that the whole thing would be even better if you were inside an old jail — but someone in Melbourne clearly did.

Locals may have noticed the massive redevelopment going on at Coburg’s former prison, Pentridge. But also there’s been a lot of ‘indoors’ this year, so no-one is blaming you if you haven’t.

Either way, it’s been happening and yesterday it was announced that the refurbishment has been to turn the prison into a 15-screen cinema with state-of-the-art digital projection and  Dolby Atmos surround sound.


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The theatre will be part of the Palace Cinemas chain, so you know it’ll be good. You also know you’ll probably need a glass of their wine, or 10, to calm your nerves for all the ghosts that are probably hanging about. Can you imagine going there to watch a horror movie? It would either be the best, or the worst, depending on your scary movie stance.


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The cinema has been given an early December opening date — just in time for normal-ish routine to return, we hope — with several movies already locked in to play for the launch: Coming 2 AmericaDeath on the Nile and Free Guy featuring Ryan Reynolds

Keep an eye on the news for opening times and tickets on their website or Instagram.

(Lead Image: Instagram / @pentridgecinema)

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