Maggie Beer, Queen Of The Kitchen And Our Hearts, Is Releasing Cooking Videos For Free

It is my deepest regret that I haven’t shacked up with a top chef during this time of quarantine and instead have to rely on the three dishes I actually know how to make. I tried to convince my housemates cooking for me would bring them good karma, but they didn’t go for it.

My only option? To improve my kitchen skills and broaden my recipe horizons. Luckily I can now adopt Australian culinary icon Maggie Beer as my own personal mentor on this journey.

Taking time out from her duties as author, restauranteur and host of The Great Australian Bake Off, Maggie will be releasing a new video every day via her Facebook and Instagram socials to show us mere mortals how to whip up easy, rustic dishes in less than 20 minutes. Which is absolutely the limit of my attention span when it comes to cooking.

Ingredients will be kept simple as well, so you won’t have to search outside your regularly allowed grocery shop. Think Panzanella salad, Pumpkin & Oat Risotto and Chicken and Tomatoes.

The most adorable part of this series, which she’s called Cooking With Maggie, is that she’s set up in her own kitchen (which admittedly kicks the crap out of basically any kitchen I’ve ever seen around Sydney) offering up her personal wisdoms.

She’s genuinely so excited by the whole thing that just watching them is genuinely making me excited to think about possibly cooking more interesting meals.  I’ve also learnt that I’ve been picking pumpkins wrong my whole life.

Can Maggie just adopt me please?

(Lead Image: Instagram / @maggie_beer)

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