Forkchops And 9 Other Incredible Travel-Related Gifts

Miranda Luby is a freelance travel writer and bad surfer…
Some of the best travel advice is to pack light – obviously that’s so you have plenty room in your bag for the following mostly unnecessary but very awesome travel accessories. The neck pillow and money clip are so passé. It’s about time for the travel cocktail kit. Ahhh, what an age we live in. We’ve compiled a list of gift suggestions for this holiday season for the travel nut who seems to have it all.
WiFi Detector T-shirt
Tired of the dread-locked guy behind the hostel check in desk telling you their WiFi is lightening fast only to find that uploading your Sail Croatia photos is going to take 14 days? Well now, before even grabbing the password, you can simply point indignantly at the glowing bars on your WiFi detector T-shirt and yell, ‘”You call this fast? My grandmother Googles her canasta club’s weekly results faster than this!” Hello discounted room rates. The shirt runs for hours from AAA batteries and the animated decal is removable so you can wash it on the go. And even if the battery does run out on you, it’s not a bad shirt to be stuck in as it’s 100% cotton. So comfy., $23AUD
Hand Crank Emergency Mobile Phone Charger
Need to text your friend, like – NOW – for the name of that best bratwurst hangover joint in Berlin or Madrid’s coolest rooftop bar but your phone has just died? This is an emergency. Whip this bad boy out of your bag, connect your phone to the USB charger cable and start cranking. One minute of turning gets converted into 30 seconds of energy, which is not much if you’re hung-over, so feel free to use Gen Y text abbreviations. It’s not only got a built in generator but it can also run off its own lithium polymer battery so it can be used as a back up battery if you have the power source, too., $71AUD
Tugo Cup Holder
They make some of those flights so early, don’t they? And how do you always end up running late? And WHERE THE HELL IS MY DOUBLE SHOT LATTE? No need to miss the morning coffee during the Home Alone-style airport run with the Tugo cup holder. The cool little gadget nestles securely between the upright pair of handles on your rolling luggage so it’s in easy reach when you’re racing around the airport. Ah, sweet caffeine. (Note: Tugo cup holder is not ‘stacking it up the escalator’ friendly.), $3.50AUD to $15.50AUD
Stained hostel communal kitchen cutlery or flimsy plastic take-away shop knife and fork? Neither, thanks *whips out Forkchops, “Deal With It” sunglasses slide onto face*. For the culinary elite and culturally sophisticated, from sashimi in Japan to guinea pig in Peru, the Forkchop will accommodate all your travel eating needs including that moment when you just can’t get that last scoop of rice out of your bowl with chopsticks. But, let’s be honest, if you eat pizza with a knife and fork you don’t deserve to be travelling in Italy., $6AUD
Wine Sack
Three-litre capacity, inconspicuous bag. Enough said? This sleek bag gives box wine a good name. The black carrier keeps your wine fresh day and night at those beach parties in Spain, Hyde Park picnics in London and trendy Czech Republic house parties. The airtight spout fits all standard taps and its adjustable interior is roomy enough for an icepack for your whites. Cheers!, $82.50AUD
The Go-Girl and Shewee
Because three litres of wine. Naturally. I mean, what a great idea. It’s so easy for the blokes, isn’t it? With this ‘”female urinating device” you don’t have to trek to the nearest bathroom, remove your clothes or even squat if you’ve mastered the arts of good balance and a relaxed stance. It’s perfect for hiking, long car trips and those South East Asian countries where you’d really rather not sit on that particular seat. But why the highly noticeable fuchsia?, $13AUD and, $15AUD
Travel Cocktail Kit
A bar in your backpack? Yes please. Avoid the house wine on that bar crawl or the long lines at the beach festival and mix your very own cocktail. The stylish leather and canvas kit comes with nine empty bottles, a mixing spoon and a book of cocktail recipes with suggestions on what alcohol to pack for what kind of trip. Awesome. If you like piña coladas…, $325AUD
Shirt Envelope
Yes, you know you shouldn’t have packed that ultra-creaseable silk dress or cotton shirt. And no, stuffing it down the edge of your bag probably isn’t going to keep in good shape for that last minute night out in New York. Introducing the shirt envelope. Or the “anything else you want to pack in it” envelope, really. It’s a super handy little folder that compresses your clothes and keeps them wrinkle free in your bag. It’s available in a bunch of sizes and colours, too., $32AUD
Beat Bottle
It’s a drink bottle AND an iPhone speaker. You heard me. The 480ml Beat-Bottle features two holes on the bottom that amplify music. Awesome for those hot European summers on the beach. It’s made from silicone to secure and protect your phone and you can even store your phone in it when travelling around for extra security. I mean, who’s going to check a bottle for a phone?, $27AUD
Collapsible Suitcase Shelves
Okay, we’ve been having a bit of fun with these, I’ll admit, but this… this is genius. These fabric packing shelves lift out of your bag and hang up somewhere handy in your hotel room, acting as instant draws for all your clothes. No unpacking. No repacking. All your things in their own little sections. It’s an obsessive-compulsive traveller’s dream! Travel swoon., from $40AUD
Miranda Luby is a freelance travel writer and bad surfer living on Victoria's coast. She's visited 44 countries and written for National Geographic and she tries, but fails, to not photo brag too much on Instagram @mirandaluby.