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Now You Can Take A Camel Tour Around Perth

Now You Can Take A Camel Tour Around Perth

Camel West tours

When Perth’s Elizabeth Quay was unveiled, the city’s tourism board was searching for some new and exciting tour activities that would compliment the natural beauty of the city. Naturally, the answer was a herd of camels.

Camel West tours in Perth first launched in January of this year and takes visitors on a trip along the Swan River, through the Canary Island date palms, past the bell tower, through Barack Square at Elizabeth Quay, and back along the river.

The tours are led by Jon, Camel West’s founder and head cameleer. Jon’s early life was spent on sheep and cattle stations, where the odd camel visitor wasn’t uncommon.

Ahead of Camel West’s launch, Jon went in search of the best camels for the job, all of which graduated from Camel finishing school in the Swan Valley. Now they have full-time jobs at Camel West, where they showcase Perth’s beautiful city and surrounds.

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Camels were first imported to Australia in the mid 1800s as means of transport and to open up pastoral inland for goldmining. Now, Australia has the largest population of camels in the world.

Camel West is offering lower prices for a limited time. Adult rides start at $45 for half an hour, and can be booked online in advance.

How To Get There

  • Fly into Perth Airport
  • Walk 700m to Horrie Miller Drive
  • Take the 380 toward Elizabeth Quay to stand D7
  • Walk 140m
  • Elizabeth Quay

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(Lead image: Camel West / Facebook)

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