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Activities Without Leaving: As Australia Re-Opens, AWOL Is Coming Along For The Ride

Activities Without Leaving: As Australia Re-Opens, AWOL Is Coming Along For The Ride

AWOL Australia Without Leaving

So, things are slowly coming back to normal — or whatever we consider to be normal these days.  

For the last two months, we at AWOL have been doing our best to help you out during this very uncertain time. Way back in March (which feels like a lifetime ago), we told you we were making the switch to temporarily rebrand AWOL to Activities Without Leaving. The idea was that with everyone stuck at home, we’d all need help getting through this process in a bunch of ways — whether it was cooking, staying fit and healthy, or just keeping entertained — and the positive response we got to that switch was overwhelming. At the same time, we’ve also been doing everything we can to help support local businesses that have been the lifeblood of AWOL since we first burst onto your Facebook feeds five years ago, but are struggling right now. 

Now it’s time for the next iteration of AWOL. As Australia opens up, we’re opening up too, and we want you to come along for the ride with us — at a safe social distance, of course — so that we can show you all the very best that Australia has to offer. We might not be able to go overseas for a while, but that’s ok, because there are a million incredible experiences we can all have in our own backyards.   

As states around Australia slowly relax their lockoutswe will cover all the Activities you can do without leaving your home, state and country. Over the next few months, we’ll be bringing you all the latest updates on where you can have a beer with your mates, a brunch with your bestie, or a weekend away with bae. And as restrictions ease even more, we’re going to be finding the cutest Airbnbs, the most beautiful road trips, and the best travel deals so that you can get back out there and see your suburb, your region, your state, or even the whole damn country. Because as much as we all need a break, Australia’s hospitality industry needs us even more. 

At the same time, we know you’ll still be spending more time than usual at home, and sometimes we all just need a distraction, so we’ll be making sure we continue to cover the latest news and views that makes you laugh, cry, and just keep you entertained.

As a business we will be using the full power and reach of Junkee Media and our parent company, oOh!media to amplify our messages, not just online and on social, but out into the real world using our national out-of-home network. Every time you leave the house to get food, visit your friends, or (finally) head back to the pub, we’ll be delivering some of AWOL’s most important messages in out of home locations like retail and shopping centres. 

We will also be working with progressive brands and tourism bodies who want to reach an excited, engaged audience who are ready to explore again, so reach out to our Channel Director, Cassandra Vozzo at [email protected] if you’re a marketer who wants to go on this uncharted journey with us, to learn how we can help. 

So if you know of a great business, road trip, amazing beach or you just want to highlight your favourite little cafe on the corner, let us know. You can email AWOL’s new Editor, Kassia Byrnes at [email protected], to let her know the stories you think we should be covering. 

So, stay safe, wash your hands, and get back out there. Australia is waiting to see you again. 

Rob Stott is Junkee Media’s Managing Editor. Email him at [email protected]. 

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