10 Aussie Foods That Confuse The Hell Out Of The Rest Of The World

Alana is the staff writer on AWOL who thinks the…
While plenty of people travel to Australia to experience our beautiful beaches and wildlife, there’s another reason to make a trip Down Under: Australian food.
The rest of the world is already confused by Australian culture, and turns out some of our favourite food is equally confusing.
Some of our best food dead-set doesn’t exist in other parts of the world, and other countries can’t deal when they get word of these creations.
Here are 10 Australian food icons that confuse the hell out of the rest of the world:
#1 Fairy Bread
Some of you never ate 100s and 1000s on buttered white bread at your birthday parties, and it shows.
While you can add more ingredients, the perfect Fairy Bread’s got to have 100s and 1000s — NOT rainbow sprinkles! — and it’s gotta be cut into triangles. It’s truly baffling why the rest of the world hasn’t caught up yet.
what is fairy bread it sounds cute
— sweetie heart (@imreallymir) August 21, 2015
#2 Vegemite
Love it or hate it, all Aussies are constantly ready to throw down to defend Vegemite.
When people say they don’t like our national spread, it’s almost always their fault and not Vegemite’s. PSA to all foreigners: stop eating it by the spoonful, and stop spreading so much of it on your toast.
all Australians do is breathe and eat Vegemite please RELAX
— christina (@ughchristxna) January 19, 2018
#3 Tim Tams
The world’s best biscuit might have reached America a few years ago, but only Aussies know that the correct way to consume the bikkie is by biting off the ends and using it as a straw to drink your tea, coffee or (ideally) hot chocolate.
2 minutes after opening a pack of Tim Tams https://t.co/hJXSCCvAuD
— Mia Hay-Mackenzie (@miahaymackenzie) August 5, 2018
#4 Pavlova
We’re not here to debate whether the pavlova was invented in Australia or New Zealand (because Aussies know the truth). We’re here to ask why the hell the rest of the world is sleeping on this cake that’s made from sugar, whipped cream and fresh fruit?
dont tell all of australia but i hate pavlova
— Baby Lace 🍼 (@babylacelovesu) August 14, 2018
#5 Golden Gaytime
At this point the rest of the world doesn’t even believe that Golden Gaytimes exist, which is their loss. You can’t get more Aussie than a caramel ice cream, smothered in choccy and sprinkles with crunch honeycomb biscuit pieces.
#6 Lamington
Literally what could go wrong with a square of sponge cake, dipped in chocolate sauce and sprinkled with coconut?
– sponge cake, chocolate, coconut
– even the bad ones are delicious
– fill with jam and cream for a Fun Time pic.twitter.com/RT6DmGSK3k— riley⁰² jaehyun enthusiast (@pharmarkcy) June 7, 2017
#7 Beetroot on burgers
The US might have us beat in the fast food game, but what’s the point of In-N-Out when you don’t put beetroot on your burgers?
All Aussies know that the best burger is the one with a fresh cut of beetroot from your local fish and chip shop. Bonus points for egg and pineapple, but they’re optional — unlike beetroot.
“You know who fucks up burgers more than anyone else in the world? Australians. Australia has no idea what a burger is. They put a fried egg on their burger. They put canned beetroot on it, like a wedge of it. I am not joking you. This is how they eat their burger.” pic.twitter.com/VObvbBm6Yd
— Durrie (@Servalman) March 14, 2019
#8 Vanilla Slice
A staple of every small-town bakery, the Vanilla Slice is the kind of food that only Aussies could invent: two layers of puff pastry filled with custard.
Some people call them “snot blocks” so we can’t blame the rest of the world for not getting on board with this one, tbh.
I have just discovered that Victorians call the humble Vanilla Slice a “SNOT BLOCK.” A truly godless state this is. pic.twitter.com/0fq7m3y9Kj
— AtticusThomas (@AtticusThomas) May 15, 2019
#9 Chicken Salt
It’s hard to believe, but the rest of the world eats hot chips without a generous sprinkling of chicken salt. Excuse me while I never leave Australia again.
If you gonna be salty, at least be chicken salty
— raddles (@angharadyeo) November 13, 2018
#10 Meat pie with tomato sauce
Lots of other countries froth for meat pies, but no one does it quite like us — with a pool of tomato sauce on top.
– if u dont eat these with sauce ur an UNAUSTRALIAN HEATHEN
– 50c for tomato sauce is highway robbery
– found literally everywhere pic.twitter.com/BRXC57EaTE— riley⁰² jaehyun enthusiast (@pharmarkcy) June 7, 2017
Australian food isn’t here to mess around. Your move, rest of the world.
(Lead image: etorres / Shutterstock)
Alana is the staff writer on AWOL who thinks the best way to travel is by taking spontaneous detours and stopping at every local bakery to try the cakes. She writes a lot about Australian TV, Big Things, cursed food, and theme parks. You can follow her on Instagram @alana.dotcom. It’s mostly dogs she meets along the way.