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Stop Everything Because Arnott’s Is Letting You Vote On Their Next Tim Tam Flavour

Stop Everything Because Arnott’s Is Letting You Vote On Their Next Tim Tam Flavour

In these strange times of lockdowns and flourishing baking addictions, Arnott’s Biscuits has been getting us through by releasing their weekly recipes.

There was Monte Carlo, then the Scotch Finger, then some classic Iced Vovos and even a Nice Biscuit Cheesecake recipe. But perhaps the most popular of them all was the Tim Tam Brownie recipe… if you managed not to eat the whole packet of Timmy Tams as soon as you opened them.


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Now, they are continuing to do the work of an angel by announcing a new Tim Tam flavour (no baking on your part necessary) AND they’re letting you pick what it is. Look, all I’m saying is you’d better vote for my favourite or ELSE.

From today until June 2, you can head to the voting website and cast your vote for either a Tim Tam Double Choc Caramel Cream or a Tim Tam Coconut Cream flavour to be released.

So that you can better decide, please know the Double Choc Caramel Cream involves the regular chocolate coating over two choccie biscuits with a toffee-style caramel flavoured cream in the middle.

On the other hand, Coconut Cream involves a sweet, creamy coconut flavoured cream.

GIVE. ME. COCONUT. CREAM. Honestly, if you’re not on my page just pretend you never even saw this article. You HAVE caramel and you HAVE double coated chocolate — give me this!

 Go do the right thing.

(Lead Image: Provided)

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