National Geographic’s 2014 Photo Contest Winners Are Stunning
The winners were announced for National Geographic’s 2014 Photo Contest and they’ll make you want to dust off your lens and get snapping in the new year. The categories were People, Places and Nature and the photos selected captured incredible moments, locations and humans from the year that was.
Over 9,200 entries were submitted from over 150 countries, with the grand prize winner taking home $10,000 and a trip to National geographic HQ in Washington to participate in a photography seminar in early 2015. Check out the excellent winning photos below.
Brian Yen’s photo in Hong Kong won the overall Grand Prize and People prize. his caption read:
“In the last ten years, mobile data, smartphones and social networks have forever changed our existence. Although this woman stood at the center of a jam-packed train, the warm glow from her phone told the strangers around her that she wasn’t really there. She managed to slip away from ‘here’ for a short moment; she’s a node flickering on the social web, roaming the Earth, free as a butterfly. Our existence is no longer stuck to the physical here; we’re free to run away, and run we will.”
Tyler G’s photo was a runner up, taken at the Blue Ridge Parkway on his way to Miami.
Mattia Passarini received an honourable mention with this image. The caption:
“The chef of Ramnami people in Chhattisgarh, India. Ramnami tattoo the name of the lord ‘Ram’ on their body. Their entire focus is on the name of Ram, the name of God that is most dear to them. The Ramnami Samaj is a sect of harijan (untouchable) Ram. Formed in the 1890s, the sect has become a dominant force in the religious life of the area. The tattoo is the result of their devotion and also, a gift and an acknowledgement from Ram.”
This photo of a young girl throwing a temper tantrum in a shopping mall in Bangkok by Adam Birkan received an honourable mention.
Another honourable mention was this photo from Nick Riley, showing bathers at the Dead Sea in Israel.
Triston Yeo’s photo of these thermal spas in Budapest, Hungary won the prize for the Places category.
Runner up was awarded to Aytül AKBAŞ, who captured this storm in Turkey.
This photo of the bustling Shinagawa Station in Tokyo, Japan, earned Peter Franc an honourable mention.
An incredible image titled “Jump of the Wilderbeest” won Nicole Cambré the Nature category. It was taken at the Mara River in Tanzania.
Honourable mention went to Christian Miller for this photo he took at the Great Barrier Reef near Cairns.
Prashant Meswani captured this incredible image in Richmond Park, London, earning him an honourable mention.
Zik Teo’s image of these zebras at Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, earned him an honourable mention for the nature category.
See the full list of winners, as well as entrants, here.
(Lead image: Henrik Nilsson, honourable mention for image of owl in Boundary Bay, Canada)